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Please view the video above to hear the motivation behind the 'Connection Canister' project

(click the video box to start/stop the video AND click the sound icon in the lower right corner for audio). 


Just as jarring and canning helps to ensure an adequate food supply till the next harvest, your generous financial support also helps our ministry to be prepared to meet the needs of 'today' and 'tomorrow'.  Please consider placing a canister at your church, school, organization or small group gathering.  A canister/jar of any size will work.  You can request a sticker from Keys Connections that can be placed on the canister.  People can place contributions inside the canister as they feel led.  After the 'harvest' is gathered the donation can be sent to the Keys Connections' office:  PO Box, 85, Liverpool, PA 17045.


A flyer, that explains the project, is located below.  You can download and print that to display alongside the canister.  Please contact our office if you have any questions or desire any assistance: or 717-444-7123.


The Keys Connections family thanks you for your generosity!

Keys Connections

PO Box 85
1020 South Front Street

Liverpool, PA 17045





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© 2025  Keys Connections

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