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The main focus of Keys is to raise money to provide scholarships to students coming from persecuted countries for their theological education. The students have the opportunity to complete the equivalent of a bachelors degree at the seminary with four different concentrations; Theology, Missions, Social Work and Business as Mission (BAM). Learn more about the opportunity provided by Keys' scholarships here

Satellite Schools

There are several satellite schools located throughout Eurasia. All of them are within countries with significant religious persecution. Keys is able to support them with building projects, materials, as well as some financial support. 

Missions Teams

Keys has sent numerous mission teams to Eurasia. They've done things like teaching English, working in local villages, interviewing students, teaching music, and more. 

University Support

Keys is honored to help support the university as a whole. With a position on the board of directors, Keys has helped to provide direction and assistance. There have also been opportunities to bring supplies such as English books, office supplies, instruments for worship in chapel, and other ministry resources. 


Many professors from all over the world go to the main campus, in Moldova, to teach classes such as New Testament, Old Testament, Social Work, and Counseling.  When possible professors also travel to satellite extension school locations.  This assistance helps to lighten the load being carried by full-time professors.   


Prayer is one of the most important things we can offer to the people of Eurasia and all of those connected to Keys. Please join us in praying for them. Learn more at our Prayer Partner page. 


Keys Connections

PO Box 85
1020 South Front Street

Liverpool, PA 17045





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