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Keys Donate FINAL VERSION NEW  2020[2780
Category Options

Area of Greatest Need / General Fund: This fund is used to meet the needs for the general operation of Keys' office in Liverpool, PA.  This fund provides resources for several critical areas:  (a) administrative and accounting needs, (b) maintenance and repair of our property and equipment, and (c) expenses incurred with maintaining compliance with federal, state and internal policies and regulations.  This fund also allows Keys the flexibility to respond quickly to ministry needs for which there are insufficient funds available or for needs that do not fit into one of the other defined areas. 

Note:  Donations sent to Keys, without any donor preference, will be used in this way.  






Central Asia Program: Keys helps students in need from persecuted areas of the world with University scholarships. Some of the students live in the poorest countries in Eurasia. Donations are used to meet the expenses associated with the student's education as well as costs associated with their mission trip practicum learning experiences.  This program supports the University of Divine Grace (UDG), located in Moldova, as well as several extension school sites.

Click here to see how donations, of various sizes, advance the work happening at UDG! 

Special Projects: This fund helps to support special ministry related opportunities that are not already included within our Central Asia Program.  These projects are closely researched by Keys Ministries before being recommended for support.  In most cases these projects will be of a relatively short-term nature.

Specific Missionaries: Our missionaries devote many hours to our work in the USA and in Eurasia. You are invited to select the missionary you desire to support.  The donation is not given directly to the missionary, but is administrated by Keys to pay the missionary's salary, direct ministry expenses (i.e. travel) as well as specific projects that are prioritized by the missionary and are approved by Keys. Click here for a list of Keys' missionaries.

Assisting With Administrative Expenses: 3% of each donation will be applied towards administrative expenses that are essential to support the various programs and missionaries funded through Keys.  This administrative fee includes the processing fees incurred on credit card gifts.

Memorial / Legacy Funds: 

Please contact our office if you desire to have a special donation fund created to honor/remember a loved one who has been closely connected to our ministry partners serving in Europe/Central Asia.

How Can I Give?

Keys Ministries Inc. (dba "Keys Connections") is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.  In accordance with IRS regulations, tax-deductible donations are made with the understanding that Keys has complete control and discretion of funds and their use to further the ministry.  It is very important to us that we honor your desires when you give to our ministry.  Every effort will be made to fulfill donor preferences when given.

Give by Check

Donations can be sent to our office in Pennsylvania. Please print and complete the Giving Form (.pdf).   Then address your envelope as shown below and enclose the form and check:

Keys Connections

PO Box 85

Liverpool, PA 17045

Note about year-end giving: When giving at the end of a calendar year, the envelope must be postmarked by December 31st or earlier in order for the donation to count toward that calendar year. The check must also be dated for December 31st or sooner. (In a similar way, o
nline donations must be time-stamped by December 31st.)


Give Securely by Credit / Debit Card / E-Check (EFT)
Click here to give securely using a credit card, debit card or by EFT (which is a direct bank to bank transfer).  You may make a one-time donation or you may also utilize the recurring gift option (weekly, monthly or quarterly). The minimum credit card donation amount is $5. 
Note:  You are able to select the date you desire for your recurring transaction to be processed. You can also make changes to your donation settings in the future by either creating an account or by contacting our office (as we will be glad to assist you). 

If you have any questions please contact us by email or call our office at (717)444-7123 as we will be glad to assist you. Thank you! 

Accuracy and Integrity: Keys has internal policies in place to help ensure that your gift is processed in an accurate manner.  Receipts are provided for all donations and a summary receipt is provided at the end of the year.


All transactions are reviewed through an extensive independent annual audit that is conducted by a certified accounting firm.


Keys Connections is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA). ECFA members are approved and are held accountable to upholding Biblical standards in areas that include: Doctrine, Governance, Financial oversight, Compliance, Transparency and Stewardship.  

Credit/Debit Card Giving

For your convenience, donations can be made securely online.  Just click on the 'Donate' button.  You may make a one-time donation or we invite you to utilize the recurring gift option (weekly, monthly or quarterly).  
Note: The minimum credit card donation amount is $5

SHARING HOPE DURING TIMES OF WAR/CRISISClick here for more information about ways we are serving and sharing during difficult times in various parts of Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Included is information about how you can be involved!


Keys Connections

PO Box 85
1020 South Front Street

Liverpool, PA 17045





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