Signs for 2016
Instructions, directions, warnings, reminders... all things that are offered by signs. It is true that signs can block the scenery and be a bit excessive but for the most part they are helpful! In 2015 my wife and I traveled in Ireland for the first time. I had never before driven on the opposite side of the road. I was a little nervous about it at first, but thanks to some signs along the way we had a pretty smooth experience traveling through that beautiful country in our small rental car.

Now my thoughts turn to a path never traveled before... a brand new year 2016! As I think about goals and desires for the coming year, it sure would be nice if there were some signs that would keep pointing me in the right direction. But maybe the signs are really there if I'm willing to take the first step of faith.
In Mark 16:19-20 Jesus leaves his disciples and they are to forge new ground. Verse 20 says that they "went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it". It seems as though the disciples were encouraged and directed by signs only after they took the first step and "went out". I'm sure it was a major step of faith!
If you are like me then you desire to accomplish a lot in 2016. You also want to do the best things in the right way. Here at Keys Ministries we have that same desire. There is so much positive work to be done. So let's pray for direction, pursue the passions that God has given us and then actually take a step of faith! History tells us that we will probably see some amazing "signs" along the way. Enjoy the journey!